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Born in Paris in 1985, Caroline Faiola lives and works between Spain and her hometown. Trained in the visual arts, fashion and photography, she began as a photographer, focusing on film work and silver prints, and mainly overprinting.

During her various travels around the world, she made several series, especially in New York where she had settled for one year in 2010.
She is also turning to fashion photography (fashion studio and women’s press) and created in 2013 Laurette and Gab, series of dresses with printed images, numbered in limited edition.
Looking for new challenges, she has collaborated with various hotels and restaurants for interior design projects in Spain, where she has been living for years.

Her more recent weaving works allow her to cultivate an intimate connection with papers and fabrics supports, a cutting process where an image is disassembled to be redefined, altered to be improved.
